European Defence Fund (EDF): project proposal OPERANT selected

Bad Reichenhall, May 2024

Project proposal selected as part of the European Defence Fund

We are happy and proud that our proposal for a R&D project in the framework of the European Defence Fund, that we submitted last November together with our partners Fraunhofer-Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI)T-Minus EngineeringUnmanned Teknologies Applications S.L. (UTEK) Microflown AVISA and TECHNIKON GmbH was selected by the European Commission: rOcket dePloyed deEp Reconnaissance ANd Transmission system (OPERANT).

The project aims to work out how a mast-based, modular sensor system can be delivered by rocket deep into enemy territory and help promote #digitalisation and #automation in the “last mile” of the battlefield.

Please find the official announcement here: EDF_OPERANT_selected

We can’t wait to get the work started.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.