European Defence Fund (EDF): project proposal OPERANT selected

Bad Reichenhall, May 2024

Project proposal selected as part of the European Defence Fund

We are happy and proud that our proposal for a R&D project in the framework of the European Defence Fund, that we submitted last November together with our partners Fraunhofer-Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI)T-Minus EngineeringUnmanned Teknologies Applications S.L. (UTEK) Microflown AVISA and TECHNIKON GmbH was selected by the European Commission: rOcket dePloyed deEp Reconnaissance ANd Transmission system (OPERANT).

The project aims to work out how a mast-based, modular sensor system can be delivered by rocket deep into enemy territory and help promote #digitalisation and #automation in the “last mile” of the battlefield.

Please find the official announcement here: EDF_OPERANT_selected

We can’t wait to get the work started.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

neues Zippermast-Management

Into the new year with increased expertise and strength!

Bad Reichenhall, January 2024

Into the new year with increased expertise and strength!

Team Zippermast is delighted to welcome its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Volker Raupenstrauch! Volker has already supported us for several months as an external consultant and we have come to appreciate his experience and hands-on approach and would no longer want to be without him.

As an engineer in applied physics with many years of experience in various management positions in small and medium-sized companies, he brings valuable knowledge in all business areas: in product, process, quality and project management, in research and development, in logistics and supply chain management, as well as in sales and service.

At Zippermast GmbH, Volker is now heading the technology department and is responsible for the further development of Zippermast technology and the supporting systems, as well as their transfer to series production. As a member of the management board, he is helping to shape the company’s path from start-up to established manufacturer.

As part of this new appointment, Zippermast GmbH has a new structure: Frank Woodcock (CEO) will be supported in the management by Volker Raupenstrauch (CTO) and @Jutta Klima (CBDO). The subordinate units are divided into the technology team (headed by Volker Raupenstrauch) and the administration team (headed by Jutta Klima).

We wish Volker a good start and look forward to mastering the tasks ahead together.

European Defence Fund (EDF): project proposal OPERANT

Bad Reichenhall, November 2023

Project proposal submitted as part of the European Defence Fund

In November, together with our partners Fraunhofer-Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI)T-Minus EngineeringUnmanned Teknologies Applications S.L. (UTEK) Microflown AVISA and TECHNIKON GmbH we submitted a proposal for a R&D project in the framework of the European Defence Fund: rOcket dePloyed deEp Reconnaissance ANd Transmission system (OPERANT).

The project aims to work out how a mast-based, modular sensor system can be delivered by rocket deep into enemy territory and help promote #digitalisation and #automation in the “last mile” of the battlefield.

Please find a summary here: EDF_2023

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Zippermast review and perspective

New colleague at Zippermast GmbH

New Key Account and Product Manager
